First Annual Research Computing Expo

  • ASU Research Computing
  • 2021-08-13

ASU Research Computing maintains an institutionally-supported advanced computing system that enables ASU researchers to pursue large-scale discovery. The increased speed and scale of these resources have made this processing power more accessible and easy to use.

In early August 2021, Research Computing held our first annual Expo, a week-long virtual event open to all students, staff, and faculty across all disciplines. The Expo included an in-depth learning experience in advanced computing literacy for the ASU research community. The Expo was well-received by the ASU community, boasting almost 200 unique attendees over the whole week. A full schedule of the Expo workshops and recordings can be found here.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see next year ( and invite you to join us at the 2022 Research Computing Expo!